From Amelia’s clients:

“I honestly feel like every facet of my life has improved since my coaching with Amelia.” - Ana

“Through coaching, I achieved an overall sense of calmness, ability to allow my emotions to come out, clarity on purpose and ability to communicate freely and with connection to myself” - Stephanie

“Taking the step to work with Amelia as a life coach has hands down been one of the best decisions I've made in my life” - Lisa

“Through coaching, I have come to reconnect with my essence, the things that I love the most and that make my heart sing!” - Nicola

”I feel like I have a greater sense of direction in all aspects of my life, am more in touch with my intuition, have developed a better relationship with food and feel more positive about my life as a whole” - Emma

Life Coaching with Amelia Anderson

Hello and welcome!

Life Coaching is a non-judgemental and safe space where you will be compassionately supported and seen for your fullest potential. In your sessions, you’ll be supported to gain clarity on what you want from your life and take steps to make your desires your reality. Coaching will support you tune into the answers within YOU so that you can move toward YOUR most fulfilled and purposeful life with ease and alignment.

I know you’re not here to just survive the days and succumb a life that feels like a dull grind! You’re here to flourish and thrive and share the magic of YOU with your loved ones, and the world - this is what life coaching will support you to do. 

Coaching topics will be guided by what is coming up for you in the moment - there are no topics that are off limits. 

Amelia can support you with:  

  • Deepening your connection to yourself so that you feel clear on your values, needs and desires

  • Making heart lead decisions to choose a career and lifestyle that feels fulfilling and purposeful

  • Releasing undesired patterns and habits and stepping into a more aligned and intentional way of living

  • Improving communication and deepening connection in your relationships

  • Approaching life in a mindful way that allows you to live more in the present moment

  • Identifying and communicating your needs and boundaries

  • Improving confidence and self esteem

  • Connecting with your intuition, spirituality, inner child and highest self

  • Creating supportive self care routines and rituals 

  • Processing emotions and self soothing in a healthy way

  • Creating a healthy and easeful relationship with food and money

  • Finding more ease and flow as a mother or mother-to-be

  • Feminine embodiment and magnetism

  • Raising energetic vibration and using energetic frequencies for manifestation 

You will get the most out of your coaching sessions if: 

  • You are willing to be curious about the mindset, emotional and energetic blocks that are keeping you stuck

  • You desire to live a life that breaks free from norms and is full of purpose and joy

  • You are willing to implement strategies and techniques to release blocks

  • You can take small actions that create positive change between sessions 

Amelia’s Qualifications and Training:

  • Bachelor of Psychology

  • Honours in Psychology 

  • Certified Life Coach 

  • Acceptance and Commitment (ACT) Therapy 

  • Mindfulness Therapy

  • Mindfulness Meditation Teacher

  • High Vibe Yoga Womens Self Care Certification

  • Intuitive Coaching Certification

  • Psychic Mediumship

  • Oneness Blessing Energy Healing Certification

  • Certified Holistic Health Coach 

  • Sacred Activations Practitioner Training

There are 2 options for working with Amelia for Life Coaching:
1. Phone or Zoom Coaching Sessions
2. Voice Message Coaching

More info below:

Phone/Zoom Coaching Sessions

This is a great option if there are areas you’d like to unpack and delve deeper into and then be supported while you integrate mindset and energetic upgrades and implement new habits and practices. You’ll be supported to trouble shoot in the moment and create real, lasting change and incredible momentum towards healing and a life you adore.

- Monthly 60 minute coaching sessions
- Unlimited text and voice messaging support between sessions via the free Voxer app
- Access to additional resources such as meditations, affirmation tracks, video/audio trainings etc as required
- BONUS: Pre-start Abundant Life Vision mini course
Three months - $777/month. Six months - $666/month
*5% discount if total amount is paid up front
All prices are in USD

Stand alone 60 minute Life Coaching Session - $277

Voice Message Coaching

This is a great option if you’d like flexible and ongoing coaching where you can implement, integrate and workshop solutions as you go.

- Unlimited coaching via text and voice messaging via the free Voxer app
- Access to additional resources such as meditations, affirmation tracks, video/audio trainings etc as required
- BONUS: Pre-start Abundant Life Vision mini course
One month - $666. Three months - $555/month. Six months - $444/month
*5% discount if total amount is paid up front
All prices are in USD


To arrange your life coaching session or ask questions, please email

Client Testimonials