Aligned, Abundant & Accountable

The membership for women who want to create more aligned and abundant lives by plugging in to their purpose and shining their unique light, every single day.

Take a breath and for a moment, consider this:

How would your life look a year from now if you committed to making one small change that takes you closer to your dreams every single week?

How would it feel to know that every day you’re raising your vibration, deepening your spiritual connection and experiencing more joy and peace? 

How would it feel to finally work through resistance, shed limiting beliefs and stop self-sabotaging?

How would it feel to truly care for yourself and nourish your mind, body and spirit consistently?

How would it feel to actually implement the habits and practices that make you feel great on a regular basis? 

Imagine how amazing your life could look if you managed to prioritise what really matters to you and lived in alignment with your values every day…

I know you’re not here to live an ordinary life.

You’re ready to commit to living life on your terms.
To make time for the things that matter to YOU.
To break free of the societal expectations and norms and live a life you truly love, so that every day feels like your soul is brimming with joy. 

This life doesn’t happen overnight, but with consistent and aligned small shifts every week, it will materialise faster than you think.

I’m going to let you in on a secret….

Women who truly GET that a beautiful life is about consistently creating alignment in small ways, are the ones living extraordinary lives. Because each small action becomes part of a bigger picture that’s even more rich and fulfilling than you can imagine.

Women who are waiting to have more time/money/resources so they can finally take a “big leap”...are usually the ones who are stuck, treading water, and wake up a decade later with all the same struggles and blocks…


 Consistency is just self love in motion. Do the inner work. Build that practice, love and life. The work is worth it, and so are you.

Let me ask you a question beautiful: What are your big, wild, “unrealistic” dreams? 

💃 Maybe you're dreaming of turning your passion into a thriving business that provides ultimate flexibility and insane abundance

💃 Maybe you’re dreaming of living a lifestyle that truly aligns with your values and desires (and is nothing like the ‘norm’!)

💃 Maybe you desire to move from surviving and going though the motions of live to truly thriving and feeling deeply content and in love with your life

💃 Maybe you want to show up as your best, most authentic self every day, instead of a stressed, rundown or anxious version of you 

💃 Maybe you want to honour yourself by finally getting consistent with the self care, movement and nourishment practices that you KNOW make you feel amazing (just IMAGINE the effect of sticking with practices long term!)

💃 Maybe you're dreaming of calling in and deepening incredible soul relationships with your partner, family and friends so you can feel more deeply connected and seen than ever

Whatever you're wanting to call in, it needs to be done with intention, and from a place of alignment with your truth and your values, and having a like minded sisterhood around you will amplify and fast track your every effort.

Why is Aligned, Abundant & Accountable SO powerful?

  • Community - We've all heard the saying that we are the product of the people we surround ourselves with - so if you want to live an out-of-the-ordinary life, you need to be surrounded by people doing the same. The incredible women already inside Aligned, Abundant & Accountable will become your inspiring, authentic soul sisters, supporting you with encouragement, insights and recommendations as you all rise together. 

  • Accountability -  When you're writing down goals that no one but you knows about, it's soooo easy for them to fall by the wayside, whether your inner critic gets loud and tells you it's too hard or you simply forget. In the membership, the twice weekly check ins will hold you lovingly to account and shed light on your blocks and blind spots. 

  • Resources - As a member of Aligned, Abundant & Accountable, you’ll have access to an ever-growing resource library of meditations, energy healing practices, self-reflection practice and deep-diving masterclass.

  • Support - Amelia is a highly skilled and qualified coach who has supported women all over the globe to experience more joy, fulfilment and abundance for over a decade. In the membership, you’ll receive text and voice message coaching as well as real-time coaching on the bi-monthly live coaching calls. Should you desire deeper support, as a member you can access private coaching at a reduced rate. 

  • Masterclasses - every second month, you’ll be delivered a deep diving, no fluff, busy-life-friendly masterclass that’s guided by what the group is feeling most called to learn. 

  • Live Coaching Calls - on the alternating months, we’ll get together for a live call (if you can’t make it you can access a full recording). On these calls, you’ll receive live coaching with Amelia and we’ll finish with a powerful group meditation.

Here's what to expect in the Aligned, Abundant & Accountable accountability group...

✨ At the beginning of each week, you'll practice a juicy, deep meditation to download guidance on your most aligned next step (there’s a selection of meditations for members to choose from so you can choose what resonates and practice when it suits you!)

✨ You'll share what came through in the meditation with the group and declare the action or shift you'll be making that week

✨ You'll also be able to share wins, sticking points and use the group as a place to ask for resources (I'll be in there sharing too!). And, I'll give you access to members-only resources and meditations.

✨ At the end of the week you'll reflect and report back on the step you set out to take and how it's created more alignment in your life (or where you had trouble!)

✨ Every second month you’ll be delivered a deep diving masterclass + implementation workbook on a topic of the group’s choosing - topics include: connecting with spirit guides, intuitive vision scripting for manifestation, nervous system regulation for healing money blocks and calling in new levels of wealth.

✨ On the alternating months, you can join a live call with Amelia and receive personal coaching in real time.

Just imagine the shifts you'll be able to create with this kind of accountability and support…

It’s time to let go of hustling and striving and instead create a more peaceful, joyful, easeful existence that aligns perfectly with your truth.

It’s time to free of the things you 'should' be doing and instead a place where you'll come home to you and create a life that feels nourishing, whole hearted and deeply fulfilling for YOU.

 ✨ Gain access meditations and other resources that make you a MASTER of hearing and downloading your intuitive wisdom on exactly how to create YOUR most aligned life

✨ Be wholeheartedly held accountable and be supported to SHOW UP FOR YOU and take your aligned action every day.

✨ Share when things get off track and solve your struggles in real time so that your growth and expansion into limitless abundance happens at a rapid pace.

❌ No more on-again off-again expansion
❌ No more starting habits only to stop them a few weeks later
❌ No more jumping from one shiny thing to another

This membership is your pass to deep alignment, fulfillment and actually showing up for yourself CONSISTENTLY.

Imagine the version of you looking back on THIS moment a year from now, as the moment it ALL changed , the moment you decided to say YES to a beautiful, abundant, aligned life…