My Birth Story Video (Positive Natural Birth)
I’ve always loved reading and hearing birth stories so I’m super excited to be sharing mine with you today!
I know before I gave birth I was very careful about the kind of birth stories I would read or listen to because I only wanted to fill my mind with positivity around birth, so before you press play, I’ll let you know that I had a really amazing and positive birth experience. I’ll always look back on the day I gave birth to Lachie as one of the best (and most intense!) of my life and I feel so much gratitude for my body and the support I received during the birth process.
I didn’t have a specific plan for my birth but everything went smoothly, even with a little complication that popped up along the way that meant I ended up delivering in the hospital rather than the birth centre.
Press play below to get the full story (either watch the video or just listen to it as you go about your day).