Ep 07. Define what success means to YOU & energetically align with your business goals
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For many of us, motherhood comes with a huge shift in priorities. If you've had a business or career pre-babies, it often starts to feel like it just doesn't fit quite right any more. By getting clear on your values and desires for your life and your family you can design a businesses that feels aligned, nurturing and authentic. If you've felt a little unclear on your direction or how to get to the big vision you hold for your business, this episode is for you.
In this episode I share:
- How to get clear on what success looks and feels like to YOU
- Staying true to you and showing up authentically in business
- The best way to stay on course and not feel scattered in your business
- What to watch out for when it comes to finding mentors or coaches for your business
- A practice that will help you get clear on your big vision for your biz and family
- A simple way to set soulful goals in your business
- How to reach your goals without hustling or sacrificing
Learn more about the Abundant Mamas Mastermind here.
To kick start your intuitive business journey, download my Ideal Client Connection Meditation here.
Click here to hop on the waitlist for Abundance, Embodied.
Episode Transcript (unedited)
Hello, beautiful Mama, how are you today? Let's just start with a nice deep breath together, shall we? I hope that wasn't the only deep breath you've taken today. But I know it might have been. I'm really looking forward to chatting to you today as always, and sharing about how you can define what success really means to you, and how you can set goals in your business. This is a topic that's so dear to my heart, because so many of my clients will come to me saying, oh, you know, my business has always been a failure, or I don't feel like I'm ever doing enough. And it's because all they're looking at is finances and financial success. And even though they might be making good money and money that they dreamed of making when they first started their business, they started to feel like that's not enough. And I think this is so common, because in the business coaching world, and you might have seen this on your social media platforms or in your inbox, there is so much talk about money, and so much talk about six figure launches and seven figure businesses and x y Zed. And to me, it's such a shame that there's such an emphasis put on these things, because it's really not the point. It's part of growing this beautiful business and a very important part that we have this incredible abundance flowing to us. But if it was all about the money, we'd still be heading to those jobs that we hated. And slaving away doing something that we don't love because you get a paycheck at the end of it. And I think because we see this so much marketing that is centred around money, it's like there's a course will probably pop up every few days in my feed that's like, do you know do this course to get five figure months or do this to make this much money or this just like money, money, money, money, and there's this huge emphasis on the finances of the business. And there's a few reasons why I don't love this. And one of them is that talking about how much money comes into a business is really not representative at all of how much money someone is making.
And by that, I mean, they're sharing with you, you know, maybe you have $100,000 launch, but maybe you spent $80,000 on a team and all the other systems and like it was only kind of a $20,000 launch and but your marketing like it was a lot more. I have a friend who used to run a business and she had a million dollar turnover every year, but she had 100 grand left, that she could pay herself that was it. And not that that's a small amount. But I think just to show you that when people are saying seven figure business, it doesn't necessarily mean that so I think there's sometimes that kind of lack of transparency around what it actually looks like because you If you have a big team, a seven figure business doesn't mean everyone's making tonnes of money, it probably means everyone's making a very kind of average wage, which is beautiful, if they're all in that zone of genius and feeling really amazing about it. But to talk about it, like it's something that it's not, I think can be a little bit deceiving. The other thing I find, sometimes with this marketing that is so focused on, come and work with me, so you can make this money is that it's really capturing people who are in a place of fear and scarcity, because none of us come to this soul led Heartland work going, I must make the money, I just need X amount, like I've got to make money. It's really like, I am so excited to do this. This is what my heart wants me to do. And I know incredible abundance will flow to me when I do this work. And whenever I'm looking at my marketing copy, or any of my marketing funnels or anything in my business, I'm really conscious that I don't actually want to be capturing people, and agitating a pain point for them, I don't want to be saying to them, you're not making enough money, because that number looks so different for everyone. And where I want to capture them is where they're feeling like, I'm ready to expand into a new version of this, and a version that feels even more aligned and a version that feels so deeply authentic to me that the money that comes in is this wonderful, joyful byproduct of me just being me. And I want to capture people when they're feeling that beautiful, expansive energy, and they're ready to be held and supported and seen and uplifted into the next level of their expansion. That's what I love to do. As a coach, I don't love to go and agitate pain points and make people feel like you're not making enough money, which I think there is so much marketing, and probably now that I've said that you'll be like, oh my goodness, yes, this marketing immediately made me go into lack. And then my mind told me, I want to do this course or I want to sign up for this programme, because I don't have enough money. So I got to sign up, this person's got the secret, apparently to, you know, building this business that makes this amount of money. And now I've convinced myself, I have to do that. And it's really preying on this idea that we have to have this huge financial abundance in order to feel successful, which I really disagree with, I think it's important that our business is profitable, and makes money and that it makes the abundance that we want to create in our life. And it's not something that I would ever disregard. Of course, it's always very central to what I do with my clients, especially in my abundant mom's mastermind. But it's really not the whole picture. Because if if that's the whole picture, then we've left out all these other really important parts of the business. So when my clients come to me what I'm always working through with them, before we get to Alright, let's build the income, let's get that money flowing is firstly, how do we create this incredible feeling of alignment in you in all of your offers in the way that you're working and your work boundaries. So we have this foundation of alignment in the business where you feel completely authentic, and you feel so excited, and so on purpose in your work. So that's where we need to start. From there, we need to go. Now let's start making money. But let's make it with ease. And that is such a key piece. Because if we go into, we created this beautiful alignment, but then because of old patterning or old beliefs we go into, I'm going to now make money. And that has to be hard. So I'm going to start hustling and start working in the evenings even though I didn't want to, I'm going to start pushing, pushing, pushing and it doesn't feel very good, then we've gone into hard work. And if the first money that starts flowing into the business is hard one, I can guarantee you, you're only going to have to work harder and harder and harder to grow your income. That's not where I'm going with my clients. That's not where the type of business that I want to help anybody to grow because I don't want any of my clients to be a slave to their business. I work with moms who have bigger priorities outside of their work and I get that because that's me as well. My work is part of the picture that enables me to be who I want to be and part of that is being very present and as much as I can be a very peaceful mother so that I can enjoy this season of my life with my family and do work that I love that makes me feel even more connected to me and even more present and purposeful with my work and then with my family. So we have to get that part done. working really well. And then we have to start making money with ease. And it has to be that kind of like, oh my goodness, like, look how that money flew into my business, I feel like I didn't have to work hard for that at all. And the way that we create that ease, of course, is different for everybody. Sorry, I don't have a one size fits all solution for you. But I never will. And I think I'll talk about in a sec, what I think happens when people sell that kind of, I've got the solution, you've got to do this. And so when we can start bringing in that money with ease, and like, even as you're listening to this, see if you can feel what that would be like in your body in your energy. What would that be like if money just came to you easily, and you can probably feel how expansive that is, your shoulders are softening your heart space feels open, because there's a knowing in you that that is so possible. But on top of that, knowing we often have a whole lot of conditioning around, I have to sacrifice in order to make money, I have to work really hard, I have to give give give, I have to give more than feels good to me to prove my value in order to make money. But at the centre, we have this knowing of like, yes, abundance, can and will flow so easily to me. And so that's where we're going when we're creating funnels and marketing. And all of these things that can tend to be really hardcore and hit and really kind of masculine. The way that I create them is the opposite of that it's this really beautiful, flowing energy of does this part feel good to you? Does this part feel expansive to you, and when we create our marketing from that place, the money flows, and it's just this beautiful, joyful, receptive energy of, Oh, my goodness, here's the money. And there's more coming, and I can spend it and feel safe, and I can save it and feel safe. And I can know everything that's happening with my money and feel really safe and content with all of it. So I think it's such a special energy to create in your business. And when we're seeing all this marketing that's like, do this make this money. And it's all focused on finances, it really separates us from that knowing of like, no, no, that's the easy part, like the money flowing is the easy part of the business, the part I really need to work on is being me and being authentic and peeling pack any of the layers that are stopping me from doing that, that are blocking my abundance at the moment. And it reminds me of when you know when you see like a someone who's a nutritionist or a dietitian or something like that, and they're talking about this amazing meal plan, or you see someone's who's in fitness going, you got to do this eight week programme, like you'll have abs for days, whatever. And it's the same when we see these business coaching programmes or courses that are saying, you know, I'm going to give you my secret system to make six figure months with one product, or, you know, it's giving you this, like, I'm gonna give you my system, and you're gonna see how amazing that is. And that's going to work for you. And I see this, and I think, like, bless the hearts of these beautiful people that have found this thing, and they're so excited to share it. Because for them, this is their complete alignment, this is their magic. And they've found that way of eating that way of moving that way of doing business that works incredibly well for them. What they haven't realised is that just because it works really well for them doesn't mean it's going to work really well for everybody else. What would be so much more potent for those people who found that incredible way of like, look how I do business. And it's working beautifully. Look how I'm eating and it's working beautifully, is not to share. And this is now how I do things, but to share. And this is how I got here. And this is kind of what this podcast is all about. Because I have a certain way of doing my business that feels so beautifully aligned and free and abundant. And but I'm not coming to you and going here's how I created my mastermind, here's what's involved. Here's the sales funnels. Here's the marketing I do. If you copy and paste this, it's going to be so amazing, like you're going to be able to have the success that I've had. Because I know that that model works for me. And that doesn't mean it's going to work for you. Yours will look different to mine. And so what I'm so much more passionate about sharing and what I think I would love to see more of in the world when I see these programmes, types of programmes popping up is that we're sharing how we got there. We're sharing how we came to find that alignment and create something that works so beautifully for us because then what you're able to do is take Take that process and apply that to your own business as opposed to trying to, you know, fit a square peg into a round hole and do things how somebody else has done. And you're now able to follow these nudges. And you can listen to the episode I did on using intuition in your business, which will expand on how you're able to do that for yourself. And really, it's following these desires, following what you feel like doing, and seeing where that goes, even when it doesn't make any sense. Two of my clients recently have said to me, I could never have seen this coming. One of them is a yoga teacher. And she said to me a few months ago, like, I just don't know about this business, like she'd sort of been like, do I want to open a studio, do I want to do more stuff online, I don't know, she came to me, she was like, I'm just not feeling it. And I said to her, you have full permission to let it go. She's got a little baby, and two older kids. And I said to her, just let it go. Just give yourself that permission to take a step back. And trust that, if that's the desire that you're having, at the moment, trust that that is leading you where you want to go. Our mind, of course, is freaking out at this point, because it's like, but we can't take a step back and expect our business to grow. That's not how it works, we have to go go go, we have to push we have to do that is so not how energy works. That is so not how business works. And so she took that step back, she was on holiday, a beautiful opportunity presented it to her to run yoga classes at a certain space. And from there, things have literally snowballed into like she's teaching more private classes, she's teaching some regular classes, her memberships growing really effortlessly, because she stayed in that beautiful alignment. And she trusted what she knew to be true. Another client of mine today was telling me how she had this experience where she was kind of pushing something uphill, and then a job opportunity came to her and she took it and like it's just been the most incredible, expensive thing for her. And she's realised like this is that's what she needs to be doing. And she's still doing the work that she was doing in our business. But now she's doing it in a way where she is actually really, really supported and more abundant. So
I think in both of those scenarios, if we listen to our mind, it talks us out of it. And it says no, that's not how it works, you know, we have to work harder, if we want more success, we have to work harder. And the more we buy into that mindset, the more hard work we have to do. So this is why I'm so focus with my clients on we need to create alignment, we need to create a flow of money with ease, even if that money is not huge to begin with. It needs to be so easy. I don't want you hustling for it, I don't want you working hard, I don't want you sacrificing I need that flow to be easy, because then we can grow that and continue to stay in this beautiful place of ease. So when you're setting goals for your business, a really beautiful way to do this is to get clear on how you want to feel. As opposed to I want to be making X amount every month or I want to sign this many clients get clear on how it is that you want to feel and take a few moments every day to connect with that feeling of this is how it feels to have that beautiful abundance. Whatever specific number that is. This is how it feels to be where I want to be. And then your daily practice alongside that is to lean into what feels good for you. Follow those nudges in your business. Trust, that the desires that you're having around your work, are there for a reason. They're there to lead you. They're taking you somewhere. And so if your desire right now is like I'm just not loving my work. I don't think that's what I want to do. Or you've got desire, like I want support. I want someone to help me get clarity and move forward with this business in a way that feels good. Maybe you're feeling like I have this thing that I really want to share. But I have to map out a whole proper launch, but I just feel so excited to share it right now. Then share it right now like trust these nudges allow it all to come. Allow it all to lead you instead of feeling like you have to be a slave to anything in your business. And if you can look at your business right now and say like, Oh yeah, I'm doing this because I feel like I have to not because I want to, then it's time to start looking at how can you lose that from your business? How can you shift into something that feels more aligned? So as always, I love talking about these continuing these type of conversations in my Instagram DMS. Do hop in there and talk to me I've been so touched to see A year, you guys loving the podcast and sharing it, it means so much to me. And I just realised I forgot to share my funny mama moment with you, which is just a quick one for today's episode when we were away recently, we went to this cute little farm where you can like feed the animals and pet the animals and Locky was just in heaven, especially talking to the cockys and holding the guinea pigs. He's a real like, critter, small animal type of dude, not really into dogs and not really into like horses, but he's like, if it's small, I would like to hold it. And the donkey started breaking. He's like mummy, did you hear that trumpet horse. So we're now going down these rabbit holes, which I think is so accurate and so cute. So I hope that today's episode has been helpful for you. I hope that it's given you something to think about and I would love to chat to you more if you have any questions. Otherwise, I'll see you here next week. Bye beautiful.